The Key
To Smart

(Electrical & Mechanical)

Turnkey Projects

Energy Efficiency

Supply Chain
House of Grid is a R&D (Research and Development ) and Manufacturing company dedicated to providing
automation intelligent equipment to users around the world. Since its establishment in 2020, House of Grid has
been relying on technology research and development and product quality as its lifeline, constantly optimizing and
providing customers with the most suitable products and services, and the production process with quality control
standard also HOG provides customized flexible automation ideas for customers
House of Grid believes in economically viable solutions can achieved with right portion of technology, design, programming
and production process. What R&D represents in a business context and its power is a much wider and more complex area
that we will now explore. Research and development is the generation of new knowledge. In a business context, it is an activity that we undertake in order to develop new products, processes or
services, or improve those that already exist
A Robotic Design is the creation of a plan or
convention for the construction of a robot or a
robotic system (as in architectural blue prints,
engineering drawing, operation process, circuit
diagrams ).Design has different connotations in
different fields. In some cases the direct
construction of an object (as in pottery,
engineering, management, graphic design) is
also considered to be design
CNC: A “CNC plasma” system is a machine that
carries a plasma torch, and can move that torch in
a path directed by a computer.
Oxyfuel: Oxy-fuel cutting is used for the cutting of mild steel. Only metals whose oxides have a lower melting point than the base metal itself can be cut with this process
Oxyfuel: Oxy-fuel cutting is used for the cutting of mild steel. Only metals whose oxides have a lower melting point than the base metal itself can be cut with this process
The CNC engraving machine processes the milling
paths which the CAD-CAM Software creates from the
drawing and transmits to the control device. A
computer numerical control (CNC) router is
computer-controlled cutting machine which typically
mounts a hand-held router as a spindle which is used
for cutting various materials, such as wood,
composites, metals, plastics, glass, and foams
Water Jet cutting uses an ultra-high pressure stream
of water to carry an abrasive grit. The abrasive does the
cutting through a mechanical sawing action, leaving a
smooth, precision cut surface.
Computer numerically controlled (CNC) laser cutting is
a sheet metal manufacturing process carried out by
CNC laser cutters. The primary form of laser cutting for
sheet metal is ‘vaporisation cutting’, in which the laser
beam melts the material and a high pressure gas
removes the molten material.
Computer-aided design, also known as 3D Modelling,
allows designers to test, refine and manipulate virtual
products prior to production. These high-quality 3D
designs are identical in dimension and detail to the
desired finished product, ensuring quality and
accuracy for production.
Labeling machines are machines that dispense, apply or
print & apply labels to various items, products, containers.
The types of machines that do these operations vary from
completely automatic print & apply high production units
to simple manual dispensing devices. Labeling machines
are designed to apply labels to a variety of products and
packages. Because of their multiple uses, different types
of labels are able to adhere to a variety of surfaces, such as
fiber drums, aluminum, glass, steel and plastic.
Automatic splicing add up to significantly
increased productivity, greater quality control and
reduced waste. It consists of a tail grabber & automatic
diameter calculated splice initiation technique. The
precision shear wheel & anvil mechanism guarantees
a clean cut and no overlap. The splicing technique is
divided into two major categories based on the type of
joint, they are, Butt splicing where adhesives are used
and Lap splicing lap joint by means of applying heat
and pressing it.
Packaging operations can be designed for variable
package sizes and forms or for handling only uniform
packages, where the machinery or packaging line is
adjustable between production runs. Certainly slow
manual operations allow workers to be flexible to
package variation but also some automated lines can
handle significant random variation.
A laser engraving machine consists of three main parts
a laser, a controller, and a surface. The laser is a
drawing tool, the beam emitted from it allows the
controller to trace patterns onto the surface. The
controller determines the direction, intensity, speed of
movement, and spread of the laser beam aimed at the
surface. The surface is chosen to match the type of
material the laser can act on.

Industrial automation can be defined as the use of set technologies and automatic control devices that results the automatic operation and control of industrial processes without significant human intervention & achieving superior performance than manual control. These automation devices include PLCs, PCs, PACs, etc. and technologies include various industrial communication systems.

As medical technology continues to advance, automation has become increasingly critical for medical device manufacturing and medical packaging applications. Automation for medical kits and packaging allow companies to safely increase production while reducing labor and operational costs.

The automobile industry is no stranger to automation. From simple mechanization, carmakers progressed to industrial robotics – General Motors introduced Animate, the world’s first industrial robot – then to digital automation, and today are extensive users of robotic automation.

Automated equipment makes it easy to standardize the food production process. Every single product goes through the same procedures from start to end. Machines are precise, which helps keep everything standard in a way that is difficult to achieve with humans.
PCB Design
SCADA Design
HMI Programming
PLC Programming
Panel Wiring
PCB Design
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) design brings your electronic circuits to
life in the physical form. Using layout software, the PCB design
process combines component placement and routing to define
electrical connectivity on a manufactured circuit board. PCB is an
acronym for printed circuit board. It is a board that has lines and
pads that connect various points together. In the picture above,
there are traces that electrically connect the various connectors &
components to each other. A PCB allows signals and power to be
routed between physical devices. Solder is the metal that makes the
electrical connections between the surface of the pcb and the
electronic components. being metal, solder also serves as a strong
mechanical adhesive.
SCADA Design
Supervisory control and Data Acquisition (scada) is a system of software and hardware elements that allows industrial organizations to: … directly interact with devices such as sensors, valves, pumps, motors, and more through human-machine interface (hmi) software. scada, or SACADA is a system comprised of hardware and software components used to monitor and control industrial processes. to perform these functions, scada integrates with sensors and other measuring devices, which can be in either digital or analog form, to collect data. the collected data is then sent to remote terminal unit (RTU) or programmable logic controller (plc) to be translated to usable information. Finally, the information is relayed to a human machine interface (HMI) or other types of displays for operators to analyze and interact with. SCADA systems also enable the ability to automate the control of industrial processes and machines that would otherwise be too complex for manual human control. through the use of sensors and measuring devices, scada systems can detect abnormal parameters or alarms and automatically respond with a programmed control function. for example if an alarm occurred signaling to much pressure in a line, the scada system would trigger a programmed response to open a pressure relief valve to return pressure levels to a normal amount.
HMI Programming
computer based HMI (human machine interface) products provide the means by which process personnel interact with the plc control system. … a well designed combination of plc’s and hmi’s can be a solid foundation for your process automation needs. HMI programming is different from most other programming languages. the reason is that an HMI is a visual representation of what’s happening on the manufacturing floor. therefore, the actual hmi programming is typically referred to as hmi development as most of the time is spent on designing the layout of the screens rather than writing code in the traditional sense of the definition.
PLC Programming
The PLC programming is an important task of designing and implementing control application depending on customers need. a plc program consists of a set of instructions either in textual or graphical form, which represents the logic to be implemented for specific industrial real time applications. this course (only ten dollars on plc dojo) is designed to equip the novice with no prior plc programming experience with the basic tools necessary to create a complete plc program using ladder logic common to most current platforms.
Panel Wiring
Panel wirers are usually employed within the manufacturing industry and help to assemble wiring, switches, cables and other electrical units to deliver functional electronic systems. … wiring electrical panels can vary from very small-scale circuits, to large scale machinery and commercial operations. a panel wirer is someone who reads and interprets circuit and wiring diagrams, and implements these electrical requirements in real-life components. panel wiring is quite a broad term as the specifics of the task can vary considerably, depending on the requirements and resources available. wiring electrical panels can vary from very small-scale circuits, to large scale machinery and commercial operations. systems. this helps them turn technical diagrams and concept drawings into electronic or mechanical systems. their priority is ensuring the construction of the power components of a device or system are wired correctly so they work effectively, wirers need to be confident understanding, building and wiring various types of engineering without any issues.